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Apr 1, 2012
I used to come home from a day of hunting with my Dad in a state of disgust and frustration. However, Dad always seemed to be in a good mood. I would mope off to my room under a rambling of “I don’t know why I go, its pointless and I never get anything”. Dad would just shake his head and smile. Eventually he would share with me that it wasn’t about how many squirrels we harvested or how big of a deer or even how many bass we caught. It was about getting away from the real world and spending some time in God’s great outdoors.
In the 51st chapter of Psalms, verses 10-12, David wrote “create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me”. He was asking God to cleanse him and create a renewed heart within him and restore the awesomeness of God's salvation. He needed restoration. However, before David could have restoration, he had to own up to everything with God, confess his sins, and then turn away from them. This is the only path if looking for full restoration, to confess, turn from sin and allow the Holy Spirit to restore your soul.
Over the years, I have changed my view on the quality of my time hunting, fishing or hiking the outdoors. I grasp this as a time to spend time with God. I pray, I talk and above all, I try to listen to him during this time. I look for things He is trying to show me, lessons He is trying to teach me and gifts He is trying to give me. I still want to bring home a nice deer or a big bass but if I don’t, I surely didn’t come home empty handed.
How do you handle being shut out???
CHRISTIAN ATHLETES This month’s Christian athlete is not one you may have ever heard of. He’s not a professional. He’s not a college player and he’s not even a high school player. But he IS a one of a kind soldier of God. His name is Brent Cribbs. Brent is 22 years old and has Pervasive Developmental Disorder which is more commonly known as Autism. This condition impairs his communication, social and learning skills. But this doesn’t slow him down. Brent is very active and faithful in the youth group at Meadowood Baptist Church in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Always singing and praising, he will talk about God with anyone. But, For the last 10 years Brent has been active in another venue as well. Christian Heritage Academy in Del City, Oklahoma is widely known in Oklahoma as one of the most successful football programs in the state. Before entering public school competition, CHA won 13 consecutive state championships in the Oklahoma Christian School Athletic Association. Brent Cribbs has been the Manger for the CHA Crusaders for the majority of those years. Always cheering for his team, he brings them water, towels or whatever they need. But more importantly, he brings them encouragement, team spirit and faith in the Lord. A few years back, the seniors on the team awarded Brent an official team jersey because he IS a member of the team. Brent walks the sidelines in his #79 jersey and cheers on the Crusaders, pats them on the back as they come off the field and gives out plenty of “Hi-Fives”. He also decided to branch out and share his expertise with others and now works with the volleyball team, basketball teams and JV football as well. God created a one of a kind in Brent Cribbs. He’s full of love, faith and always has a smile. Treated like a brother by all of them, the athletes at CHA love Brent and treat him as just another one of the guys. Is he an athlete? Well, I guess that depends on how you look at it. Is he part of the team? WITHOUT A DOUBT!
God Bless, Chuck Boso
Anglers for Christ Ministries, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization
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