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Mar 1, 2012
NEWSLETTER This past weekend I had the unique opportunity to travel to Shreveport, LA and experience the 2012 Bassmaster Classic. There was a large expo where anglers and fans alike could check out the new equipment for this year or even meet their favorite Elite Series pro. There are some who take the title "Elite" as some sort of crown with no appreciation. However there are several anglers there who boldly speak of their faith in Jesus. Jay Yelas, Mark Davis and Clay Dyer to name a few. There are numerous professional anglers who display the "fish" on their jersey or maybe their favorite Bible verse. But it was at the final weigh in on day three that a faith in God was felt in an arena filled with thousands of people. The book of Jeremiah in the ninth chapter (verses 23-24), God said "Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know Me, that I am the LORD, Who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,". I read this in my daily devotional recently, but I felt it in that arena on Sunday evening. Chris Lane was crowned the 2012 Bassmaster Classic Champion with a commanding lead over the other anglers. Before accepting the trophy he commented on his faith and said "if you listen to Jesus upstairs and trust him, good things happen". He mentioned that he looked forward to doing "after" he accepted the trophy. Moments later the 2011 winner, Kevin VanDam handed Chris the trophy at which time he dropped to a knee, bowed his head and pointed to the sky in tears. One hopes a that moment, he was thanking Jesus Christ for his abilities and accomplishments. However, minutes before all the confetti and screaming, another angler stepped to the stage. Alton Jones finished the event in 4th place, nearly six pounds behind Chris Lane. When the announcer asked him about his experience over the weekend, Alton said "before I say anything else, I need to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Without him, none of this would be possible". The crowd screamed when Alton finished. He said a few words, waived and walked off the stage with a huge smile. He was not boastful about his knowledge, his abilities or his riches. He was thankful to the Lord. Are you thankful for what he has given you?? Congrats to our own- Ott DeFoe. Ott finished 5th in the Classic. He host the tips segment on The Christian Angler Outdoors. A young man very strong in his faith ! CHRISTIAN ATHLETES A new face has emerged in the world of the Christian athlete in the form of Jeremy Lin. Some commentators are referring to Jeremy Lin the “Taiwanese Tebow,” a sarcastic reference to Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, who sparked much debate over the past year with his public displays of faith. Lin has become an instant sensation since sparking a winning streak with his New York Knicks basketball team recently. However, Lin is quick to give all the glory to God saying that it was all part of God's plan. Lin grew up in the church and played his college basketball at Harvard. He was "thrown off guard" by what was referred to as the godless culture of the Harvard basketball team. He got involved with Harvard's Asian-American Christian Fellowship and often led Bible studies for both Christians and non-Christians. Lin was known to make concerted efforts to reach out to his non-Christian roommates. Lin was one of just two practicing Christians on the Harvard team, and while he made efforts to "mobilize" their faith, he did not preach at them. In a recent interview, Lin said "For me to not trust God is crazy," listing all of the ways God had paved his way to the NBA, including his dad's love for basketball, his coaches, and his spiritual growth at Harvard. He's not a "Taiwanese Tebow", he's just Jeremy Lin, a Christian serving the Lord. God Bless, Chuck Boso
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